July 25th 2022-
How easy is it to enter key Asian countries for models work?
The global covid con and hysteria has caused a tremendous amount of damage globally to this and other industries, and has severely effected ease of travel, ability to enter certain countries and more. Here we will analyze the entry requirements to countries in Asia for taking gigs, arranging places to get shoots done importing models etc. Its best to avoid taking covid tests as toxic poisons have been found on some swabs among other swab particles to be toxic as well, which get poked to the back of your sinuses on your blood brain barrier. As for the so called vaxxx, the verdict is in, clearly, the effects of it have been clear globally and the risks of it are extremely high for violent side effects, to say the least. To say nothing of the high deaths counts. Hence avoiding these two things will preserve your health integrity in the long run despite the downside of not being able to travel much right now for bookings. Without your health, what do you have? Do not get tricked or baited into tests or the injection for a quick buck, effects are not really reversible. Effects to the skin from vaxxxes are known to those that know where to find these cases online, and many many they are, and if you get, discoloration, peeling, rashes, bumps, soars, shingles, pox… who will hire you? Until and if you get skin break outs fixed, you-are-done, unless the retoucher army is called.
As of July 2022 what countries in Asia have no requirements to enter?
As of this writing, it is only Vietnam. A country we do not service. You need no tests or vaxxx to enter. Vietnam can be used by photographers, creative directors, commercial producers and any collaborators from around the region to all congregate in for a project in one place and to have an easy place to meet up and do shoots. A very very cost effective place for hotels, food and shopping. Lots of amazing beaches.
Minimal requirements for entry:
- Thailand: A test, but at airports they only randomly check if you have the test. If you get pulled from line and do not have it, you would have to do a test on the spot. A country we currently do not take bookings in but may in the years to come. Bangkok may be a stage ground haven for photographers and creative teams to go to to do shoots while using local models or fly in models from the region just so people can easily travel, and and get the whole team in place to get jobs done! Plus, you get to travel, shop and have the whole experience. Bangkok is a good place to stock up on lots of clothes and makeup at low prices.
- Second to Thailand is S. Korea for which you can enter with a test.
- Singapore: Covid test. But Singapore still has and had excesses restrictions. Going there may be a pain.
The travel entry rules are a maze of constantly changing quicksand under your feet. Recently for the better but as in examples such as Germany it went the other way and they tightened entry rules.
Countries still under entry lockdown
- Hong Kong: Still a maze of insane requirements, quarantine etc. A nightmare to travel to right now. Even if you got in you need a vaxxpass just to go shopping at the market and more. Little wonder over 69,000 people have moved away from Hong Kong just in the past 7 months.
- Taiwan: Forget about it. A maze like Hong Kong of a nonsensical medical iron fist slamming. There is a rumor that Taiwan will “open to tourism” in the fall and they are planning promotions for it. We shall see and do not count on it.
- Japan: Forget about it also. Government is pumping false case data and gov bureaucrats keep pumping fear. Its never ending nonsense here still and most fall for it. Tourism may open up in the summery of 2023… we shall see. If you are Japanese you can leave and re-enter. Only those with work, business or student visas may enter. Controlled tour groups can but you are not allowed to go and do what you want
- Macau. No data provided by IATA.
How to check what the rules are to fly to a particular country:
Since the rules change often, and sometimes in the bad direction with short notice, its essential to check the IATAs Timatic map before you buy a ticket and also again a day or two before you fly. Buying travel insurance is now a recommended essential. The covid con has also taken away allot of flights off the schedule so logistics are harder, and prices have gone up due to this and also fuel prices going up. Its a perfect storm of issues to fly now. In the image below the gray color means no rules for entry. Nevertheless, we have seen a huge amount of travel chaos at some EU airports, in the USA/UK with huge queues and huge numbers of canceled flights. Do NOT count on anything when you travel and have back up plans, good insurance, cash, credit cards for contingencies. If you h ave a booking fly EARLIER in case of a delay or cancellation. The capacity of airports and airlines has been reduced and now things are picking up to fast, they can not handle the influx disparity. Travel needs to be done with care due to lack of travel industry capacity.

You can click on the country and get entry info
Traveling to Europe for model gigs or fashion week
If you have another agency, or through /fām/, live in Europe etc, and get booked for say, Milan fashion week 2023, you are in luck. 90% of Europe is wide open to enter!
Italy was choke full of covid lock and keys for a long time. It finally came to its senses and the country is open as normal. Milan fashion week 2023 is going to be lit ablaze as industry pros and models can all enter! Hopefully the sanity prevails into next year. UK has been open the longest and London´s fashion week will be on fire as well!
France and Germany still have to many entry requirements. If the restrictions are still in place for France some spring, fashion week may be not as lively as Italy. Let us see.